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Becoming a Brand Ambassador

Writer's picture: CTC Dog Gear USACTC Dog Gear USA

A brand ambassador is like a bridge to the brand for the public, a positive presence online and in person.

  1. BE PASSIONATE. Talking about things that you genuinely love and are excited about translates loud and clear online. An ambassadorship needs to be a good fit for the brand and you. Your demographics should mirror the brand and your social media aesthetic would ideally fit the brand content. When it's a natural fit, it's easy to make a pitch to work together. When you create social media posts, tag our brand, as long as our gear is visible in the photo and the photo/video is of a dog wearing our gear and having fun exercising outdoors/doing indoor dog sports (eg. Flyball). Use our branded hashtag to get our attention. CTC Dog Gear's branded hashtag is #ctcdoggear

  2. BE YOURSELF. Originality is the hallmark of a fantastic brand ambassador. Stand out in your unique content and personality. Go for awesome! We are looking for authentic influencers to connect and help grow brand awareness. You don't need to have hundreds of thousands of followers, but engagement matters a lot.

  3. BE CONSISTENT. We need a consistent and reliable presence online, and as a brand ambassador, you can be part of that awesomeness. Talk about things that you genuinely love, and it may turn into something bigger.

  4. AVOID ONLINE DRAMA. Your social media posts will be reviewed by the brand. Having a positive presence that inspires and entertains your community will speak well for you.

  5. BUILD YOUR ONLINE PRESENCE. If you'd like to be a brand ambassador in the future - develop your social media presence and know that people are always watching. Brands want to work with the very best, and you'll need to be active on the big social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube) Being active means posting, commenting and sharing. You'll need to be able to create meaningful, interesting media through words, images and video.

  6. KNOW THE BRAND PURPOSE. Brand Ambassadors need to know what our company stands for and what our vision of the future looks like so that they can adopt the right tone when acting as an ambassador.

  7. CHOSING THE RIGHT REPRESENTATIVES. It's extremely important that we chose ambassadors who positively represent our brand and embody our culture on social and public platforms. Most importantly - our ambassadors need to be authentic.

  8. SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY. All social media needs to represent our brand image. This does not mean that ambassadors can't insert their own voice or personality. We will provide guidelines to help ambassadors understand the voice, tone and message they should use when speaking about our brand. Ambassadors should infuse positivity around the brand. Normal social media rules will apply.

  9. EMPOWERING OUR AMBASSADORS. We will provide guidelines and tools to allow our Ambassadors to represent our company in the right way. We are currently busy establishing a centralized process for curating content that our Ambassadors can access and share, along with news and information about our company. Our "About Us" on the website is a start in knowing just how long ago our passion for the correct gear for dogs came about and why we built a company that has a hard-earned but well-deserved reputation for excellent quality, professional dog exercise gear for any dog - in all walks of life, from a pet that gets taken for a daily walk - to a high-powered canine athlete.

  10. AMBASSADOR LEVELS. There are 3 Ambassador Levels: Ultra (canine athletes who take part in several different dog sports while using our gear with owners who are extremely high profile on social media); Explorer (dogs who have an active lifestyle with their owners who have a very active social media presence; Adventurer (dogs whose humans are dedicated to ensuring their dogs have daily/weekly activity in the form of walks/hikes and other dog group meetups and who have a great social media presence).

If you are think you are a good fit for our brand and are interested in becoming part of our team - email us on using subject line: CTC Dog Gear Ambassador Enquiry

We have just filled our initial Ambassador Team but will be looking to grow the team consistently over time.

We are also looking for individual state representatives for our brand - who will be working on a commission basis for bulk orders (bulk order is an order with 10+ units of any single CTC Dog Gear USA product - dog gear/gift range, ie. 10 x Shoulder Harnesses) obtained from your local pet/vet/adventure shops who are interested in stocking our brand of dog gear/gift range. Anyone interested in pursuing this avenue would need to be a CTC Dog Gear Ambassador. Email us : to talk about this opportunity in more detail - with the subject line: CTC Dog Gear State Rep.

We are looking for people who believe in our gear, to help us grow our small company - so need people who are passionate about their dogs, passionate about exercising their dogs as part of their active lifestyle, passionate about the belief that a dog is a family member and passionate about the belief that using our gear means that the dog has the best quality, best comfort and best design - and the knowledge that your dog/s are safe while doing the ONE thing he/she loves doing best - spending time with their human.

We look forward to building the BEST team together!

Happy Trails!

Natalie van der Merwe

Owner/Gear Designer

CTC Dog Gear USA

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